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The Base of characters
(Can be accessed by
people with a level not lower than AAA)
Before choosing the character from the table given below, familiarize with the vacancies. Having chosen a required specialty, you will be an irreplaceable human (or alien) in any of the stories. That completely guarantees fast promotion and weight of adventures (also you receive a precise instructions, that your character should now do)
Positions available in the virtual worlds
If you want to be accepted to our team, send a continuation of any of the stories submitted on the site. It can be a short chapter, describing actions of your character according to skills, a trade or propensities of the given hero. Read about the last events in a story which is interesting to you and try to organically insert your chosen hero.
Do you have any problems in choosing the name for the basic or minor heroes? Take advantage of the automatic name generator
Try to use characters in their destination. If you need someone for development of the plot, check up, whether there is someone suitable in the last parts. If he is absent - create a new hero. If you are using existing - study mentions about him in the previous chapters or in the private affair.
If you imagined your hero well enough, you can feel, that he does not do you want from him, but he do what it is necessary in this situation. It is difficult, it can be called the high rank of the writing skills. But if it does not occur - don't worry, just watch, that actions of the character corresponded to his opportunities and behavior.
Be accurate with the another's characters. It is bad, if the intelligent boy, created by the another author, starts to talk in a criminal slang in your part. Be attentive to another. It is simply to do it - go to the description of the character and read his file. We can advise to the authors of the heroes to describe the hero in more details. Any additional information will be added to his description. It can be everything: favorite phrases, favorite weapon, the basic way of pastime, type of behavior (quiet, violent, average), model of behavior in the extreme situation. So create your destiny (until the others will do it except you).
How to choose the character for space station Civil
You have to imagine the station well before the writing. Check it's detailed description - services, haunts of vice, geography etc. If the station can grant an asylum for the hundreds thousands of the alien fugitives, if the station arranging a big trade fairs, if the station have the whole deserted levels, it should have the appropriate crew. It must be thousand, or just tens thousand of the working personal. It should be all appropriate services on the station. So it is impossible for the commando to guard the hangars. It is hard to imagine, how the captain of the station Haushoffer, in whose submission there are a vastest amount of the people, will find some time for the conversation with the green recruits. There are a special officers for this purpose. Actually Civil - à city in space. According to it size, it also has a technical opportunities. If it is difficult for you to imagine all this, watch "Babylon - 5", the most things are similar.
It could be good, if you will read the 2-3 last parts and familiarize with the current plot. Or it is possible to read the summary of all series. If you will obstinately keep your own line of the plot and will not notice any other characters, you will be ignored by the others.
Now we shall talk about the "technical compatibility". It is abnormal, if one terrestrial ship overcomes half-galaxies for a seconds, and another creeps weeks from star to star. There is an offer to accept a technological level of "Babylon - 5" or "Star wars".
Do you want to have an outstanding career of the military officer in the space future? Pass the simulator "Star wars" on our site and show, on what you are capable. A screenshot with your own score will determine your future rank.
The Full sheet of characters
for use
(Use alive heroes bravely: it will add a reliability)
Allor, an inquisitor of G.L.O.R.E.A, KIA |
Extra opportunities
Do you want to be not only the hero but also to do something
else? No problem! You can write scripts, draw a pictures of the scenes,
you can improve a web design of the site or just tell us your opinion! You can tell us about your abilities and desires in the section 'Post your opinion'
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