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The Base of characters
(Can be accessed by people with a level not lower than AAA)

Before choosing the character from the table given below, familiarize with the vacancies. Having chosen a required specialty, you will be an irreplaceable human (or alien) in any of the stories. That completely guarantees fast promotion and weight of adventures (also you receive a precise instructions, that your character should now do)

Press here to return one nice day to the world of futurePositions available in the virtual worlds

If you want to be accepted to our team, send a continuation of any of the stories submitted on the site. It can be a short chapter, describing actions of your character according to skills, a trade or propensities of the given hero. Read about the last events in a story which is interesting to you and try to organically insert your chosen hero.

Do you have any problems in choosing the name for the basic or minor heroes? Take advantage of the automatic name generator

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Try to use characters in their destination. If you need someone for development of the plot, check up, whether there is someone suitable in the last parts. If he is absent - create a new hero. If you are using existing - study mentions about him in the previous chapters or in the private affair.

Welcome, brother!If you imagined your hero well enough, you can feel, that he does not do you want from him, but he do what it is necessary in this situation. It is difficult, it can be called the high rank of the writing skills. But if it does not occur - don't worry, just watch, that actions of the character corresponded to his opportunities and behavior.

Be accurate with the another's characters. It is bad, if the intelligent boy, created by the another author, starts to talk in a criminal slang in your part. Be attentive to another. It is simply to do it - go to the description of the character and read his file. We can advise to the authors of the heroes to describe the hero in more details. Any additional information will be added to his description. It can be everything: favorite phrases, favorite weapon, the basic way of pastime, type of behavior (quiet, violent, average), model of behavior in the extreme situation. So create your destiny (until the others will do it except you).

How to choose the character for space station Civil

You have to imagine the station well before the writing. Check it's detailed description - services, haunts of vice, geography etc. If the station can grant an asylum for the hundreds thousands of the alien fugitives, if the station arranging a big trade fairs, if the station have the whole deserted levels, it should have the appropriate crew. It must be thousand, or just tens thousand of the working personal. It should be all appropriate services on the station. So it is impossible for the commando to guard the hangars. It is hard to imagine, how the captain of the station Haushoffer, in whose submission there are a vastest amount of the people, will find some time for the conversation with the green recruits. There are a special officers for this purpose. Actually Civil - à city in space. According to it size, it also has a technical opportunities. If it is difficult for you to imagine all this, watch "Babylon - 5", the most things are similar. Station Civil - you are welcome

It could be good, if you will read the 2-3 last parts and familiarize with the current plot. Or it is possible to read the summary of all series. If you will obstinately keep your own line of the plot and will not notice any other characters, you will be ignored by the others.

Now we shall talk about the "technical compatibility". It is abnormal, if one terrestrial ship overcomes half-galaxies for a seconds, and another creeps weeks from star to star. There is an offer to accept a technological level of "Babylon - 5" or "Star wars".

Do you want to have an outstanding career of the military officer in the space future? Pass the simulator "Star wars" on our site and show, on what you are capable. A screenshot with your own score will determine your future rank.

The Full sheet of characters for use
(Use alive heroes bravely: it will add a reliability)

Allor, an inquisitor of G.L.O.R.E.A, KIA
Anders Richard, the commando of the CMF, 36 y.o., the musician
Anida, the daughter of the Orion pirate Azdar - 12.97
Ardeluria, an inquisitor of G.L.O.R.E.A.
Ash'La'Ok, the Predator, the free agent of the Civil police, class 8
Ass and Err - "guys from the future"
Avva Needles, former Crayton, run to the side of lunars, KIA
Azdar, Orion pirate - 12.97
Badel, sergeant, served as a guard on Heavenwood
Barksley Peter, 3-rd department of the SS (security service) - 10.98
Belfor Chris, the chief of the Civil police - 03.00
Benkontes Sergio, the private soldier, the commando, KIA
Bigger John, the commando of the Civil military forces (CMF), 39 y.o.
Black Robert, sergeant, the commando, a victim of the terrorist act
Blitz Cryg- 03.99
Blitz Helen, the pilot of the express ship - 09.98
Borhes Alex, the commander of cruiser "Optimus" - 09.00
Bun, the alien, KIA
Cane, the dealer - 09.98
Carter John, the captain of the Civil Medical - 01.01
Cassandra, alien, KIA - 03.98
Chusty Lump sugar, the alien - 10.98
Collins Dolian, the expert in artifacts, Civil Medical - 06.00
Comrovsky Paul, the chief of the investigatory group, the police officer - 06.01
Cranson Mart, the pilot, space miner - 08.00
Christy, the prostitute from a brothel "The Seventh sky"
Cooper, the commando of the Black & White group, was lost
Cyan Sval, the alien - 03.99
Dalton Veronica, the reporter of the news channel "Civilization" - 06.01
Darhan Bosh, the scientist, tried to disappear from the terrestrial special services
Darkray, the successor of Lord Darkray, KIA
Dick the Hunter, KIA
Donahue Anthony, the doctor, Medical of Civil - 03.99
Donahue Roger, the worker of 6-th department of SS
Douglas Sam, the inspector of the SS
Dray An, the agent of the Interfund, KIA - 08.98
Erialk-y, an essence - 04.01
Filer, the major, the landing fleet, KIA - 03.99
Foster Claude, professional killer, KIA - 04.99
Fox Daniel, the commando of the CMF, 34 y.o.
Fox Samantha, the commando of the CMF, 34 y.o.
Gelal Morton Crayton, a professional killer - 04.98
Ghasyr Janna, the employee of the biolaboratory - 12.97
Golden Robert, the commando of the CMF, 37 y.o.
Grainsvandir Mike, the Steel Rat, the robot-lawyer - 04.01
Grantch, the general, the head of a far terrestrial settlement
Grass, the physician of landing group, fallen to the past on Heavenwood
Greystone, the private soldier, the commando of the CMF - 03.99
Grey-T Galya, the lieutenant of the CMF, the commander of a platoon - 12.00
Grosp Phillip, the inspector of SS, the chief of 4-th department
Gunner, the radio operator of the Black & White group, fallen to the past
Haufkoss Klaus, line fault service, KIA
Haushoffer Tom, the captain-commander, the chief of the station Civil
Heat, the professional criminal, was lost on Heavenwood
Higgins, the owner of the underground laboratory - 05.98
Hopkins, the colonel in resignation
Horn Mikt, Mikt Alan Garsia del Morro Horn, former chief of the SS - 02.98
Jan, the employee of the Medical - 04.98
Jenkins Kim, the lieutenant, the graduate of Star Academy, a victim of the terrorist act
Johnson Vernon, the mercenary, a pilot of the CMF - 04.99
Kan Eczar, the smuggler, KIA - 09.00
Kazansky Tom, the officer of the Earth diplomacy department - 11.98
Kuate Stan, the dealer, worked to the gang Black five
Kuwen Sarog, the commander of the lunar's base Heavenwood - 04.99, KIA
Lame Buckster, the employee of the space police - 07.98
Lan Jackie, the graduate of Star Academy, a victim of the terrorist act
Landor Craytis, the sergeant, the veteran-commando, was killed on Ì13 - 06.00
Laser Ad, the controller of the cryo chamber, KIA
Lightning Alex, the commando of the CMF, 41 y.o.
Linden Harry, the mercenary, the expert in the terrorist acts, was killed on Ì13 - 06.00
Lindstrom Nail, the inhabitant of Heavenwood, 59 y.o. - 11.98
Linuscorcheus the Tzizitcanian, a member of the gang "Black five" - 04.98
Lordelon, the inquisitor of G.L.O.R.E.A.
Luckyman Kos, the adventurer
Lynx, T13-A, an experimental fighting android, destroyed
Macre Brad, aide-de-camp of SS chief - 02.01
Mat Vulvak Ar Mild, the employee of Interstellar police, the major
McDonald, the lieutenant, a communication service - 12.97
McDrew Ronald, the police officer - 06.01
McTarin, the navigator of the landing ship "Tifon-17" - 02.99
Mental Nikki, the Civil service 911, narcodealer
Merite - lunar Lord, the brother of Darkray - 07.98
Mi'La'Ok, the Predator, the Civil police, ÑÀ class 8 - 02.01
Moresby Gael, a high-ranking member of Crayton's clan - 11.98
Oddman Gas, the dealer, weapon black market
Piu-Piu, the alien, a member of the gang "Black five" - 04.98
Price Leon, the chief of the channel "Civilization" - 06.01
Rauche Otto, the pilot of the CMF, a squadron "Star Angels" - 08.00
Red Alpha, the psychologist of the Medical - 08.00, KIA by the "Black five"
Reverse, the private soldier, the commando - 03.99
Rice Bo, the ambassador of the ziags on Civil - 08.98
Rigan Risley, the head of department of the planet Garent
Right Camille, the courier - 01.01
Riser, the captain of "Tifon-17" - 02.99
Rives Urfin, the commando of the CMF from A. Smith's platoon
Robert Snider, the commando - 05.99
Rodriges, the corporal, the commando - 03.99
Ronkin Alan, managing a warehouse of equipment on Civil - 02.99
Rosce Ninel, the commando of the CMF, 29 y.o., the experience of 7 years
Ryan Eric, the pilot of the CMF, a squadron "Star Angels" - 08.00
Sadseron, lunar aristocrat - 04.01
Sa'In, the representative of the non humanoid civilization neppra
Sam, the worker of the transit zone, the agent of the gang "Black five"
Savino Ronald, the inspector of the SS
Scar Nikita, capsulated by the special services of the future
Shadow Alan, the engineer-signalman - 12.97
Sheffield John, the inspector of the Civil police
Sholtz Kaz, the doctor - 06.01
Sigursen Kimy, the inspector of the SS, the chief of 4-th department
Simmons Kyle, the Shadow, the former criminal, working in SS - 09.00
Sirion, an alien criminal - 02.99
Sku The Empty Head, the alien, a member of the gang "Black five" - 04.98
Smith Alan, the mercenary and the adventurer, died during operation - 04.99
Smith Ann, the lieutenant of the CMF, the commander of a platoon - 08.00
Smith George, the trading agent of the "Stellar Technologies Corporation" - 08.00
Smith Vic, Anna Smith's son, 5 y.o. - 08.00
Spoky, reasonable cat-telepathist of Vernon Johnson - 05.99
Spring Adeline, the pilot of fighter-scout
Ssa Ine, xenobiologist, KIA - 08.98
Stain David, the dispatcher, was recruited by WRA, killed by "Black five"
Star Anry, the commando of the CMF, 32 y.o.
Steele Alex, "Kalashnikov Ltd.", was condemned, sitting in the jail now
Steve, the owner of the bar on Civil - 07.98
Stewart Mary, the military investigation, CMF - 07.00
Surround Carol, the private soldier, the pilot of a landing shuttle
Tarlaf Robert, sergeant, a guard - 12.97
TddTdd, the alien, the member of the gang "Black five" - 04.98
Texas Mary, the commando of the CMF, 43 y.o.
Thomson Robert, the major, the commander of the CMF
Torm, the pilot - 11.98
Train Alice, Medical - 12.97
Tsunami William, T-12F-007, the Twentieth under the coding of SCO - 09.00
Vamp, the alien, a member of the gang "Black five" - 04.98
Vern Eugene, the commando of the CMF
Veruna, the inquisitor of G.L.O.R.E.A
Viery Daniel, the commando from the Black & White group, MIA - 05.99
Viladgo Pablo, the radio operator, the participant of the operation on Heavenwood, KIA
V'oltok, the employee of the navigating control of the spaceport- 12.97
Walker Andrew, 25 y.o., the expert in the cyber-systems - 05.98
Walles Zak, the chief of the Star Academy - 02.99
Walter Ugo, an inspector of the SS, the chief of 3-rd department
Warren Mirs, from Wassan, graduate ARTI, chief of the SS - 04.98
Warren Zvonimir, from Wassan, an insurgent of the WRA, disappeared
Watling Janny, owner of the brothel "The Seventh sky" - 01.01
White Nelson, sergeant, the commando, a victim of the terrorist act
Wilson Eugene, the commando of the CMF, 37 y.o.
Windome Deborah, the chief of the Civil Medical - 04.00
Windome Michel, the daughter of Deborah - 04.01
Wolf Alex, the graduate of the space academy, KIA - 04.00
Woodsworth James, the captain of tanker FT-1275 - 03.98
X-2, AKA Mac, the robot-android, look like a human
Zax, the mapper, android, was a part of the robot system Lynx, adapted
Zegoria Amy - the commando - 02.98, a victim of the terrorist act
Zerglin, alien - 03.99

Extra opportunities

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